Poet - Selected Poems

It's The Passion & Commit To Memory

It's The Passion 

It is the passion 
that causes me the most trouble 
the passion 
because it is so raw 
so new 
that it surges within me 
and I can’t stop the noise 
I try to  ignore it 
try to deceive it 
but it knows better 
it is aware 
that it needs 
to be expressed 
must be addressed 
that I can’t hide it anymore 
it is the passion 
that dwells within 
this place that I am 
that drives me to moments of desire 
when the fire burns 
like never before 
the night calls me 
dawn enhances my delirium 
enrages the flames 
as they dance within me 
lapping rhythmically, 
at my heart which swells 
the heat at times 
smothering me 
I gasp for air 
look to the sky 
hoping it will rain 
which will at least 
hold this conflagration at bay 
until the next time 
when passion 
for the fire is not extinguished 
but merely smoldering 
its heat still very evident 
in my eyes 

Commit To Memory 

We are constantly 
reminded that 
we must be vigilant 
with our souls 
lest they get lost 
within the labyrinth of time 
endless without direction 
we are implicitly told 
to keep an eye 
upon our hearts 
lest it disappears 
within a sea of passion 
we forgetting to stay afloat, 
the need to breathe 
becomes imperative 

We are reminded 
to keep the door 
to our mind open 
lest we forget 
about the vitality of life 
forget that within the darkness 
lies death, 
that the light comes 
through the keyhole 
we must remember 
to keep it open, 
the door to our being 
lest we forget 
where we’ve come from! 

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