Fire From Hell - Selected Poems

Fire From Hell & Pen Pals 

Fire From Hell 

Sunshine blue sky 
birds fly 
wind blows 
we moved 
went from here to there 
and back again 

Hope and desire 
no one expected the fire 
no one believed 
that it could rain 
pain from the sky 
that moments later 
our collective souls would cry - Oh God!!! 

Fire from Hell 
no one could tell 
where the insanity 
had materialized from 
life was being accidental 
reality lied 
denial obliterated 
restated the truth 
terror reigned 
from the sky 

Hell awakened upon the Earth 
walked amongst us 
shocked and stunned 
we watched the sun 
seeking freedom 
longing to breathe 
the air of life 
of security 

Hoping to awake 
from the dream 
only to find 
it isnt a dream 
it isnt a dream 
it isnt a dream 
Oh my God 
it isnt a dream 
though it seems 

Fire from Hell 
our eyes sting 
ears ring 
the sounds of sirens singing 
an eerie song 

we long 
for those we love 
for the power above 
to end the nightmare 
clear the air 

pick someone up 
the panic gives you strength 
you move 
a sea of fear 
pushes you 
motivates you 
a wall of horror 
inspires the soul 
to flee the fire 

The fire from hell 
we can never fully tell 
How many seconds 
are ours 
never say 
how many days 
are left for us to play 
say to another 
"I Love You" 
I do! 
You are my Life! 

Can never tell 
When the fire from hell 
will singe 
ring the bell 
that reverberates within 
the collective soul! 

*Inspired by a conversation with Michael Rodriguez Gonzalez, who survived the falling of the first tower on 9/11/01, on the evening of Friday September 14th, 2001 in Jackson Heights, Queens when he became a hero for the second time! 

Pen Pals 

And he asked the children 
to do their part 
to give from their little heartsOne dollar for a pen pal 
across the ocean 
across the sky 
it would fly 
and drop 
in the form of love 
which we would buyOne dollar 
to shower them with friendship 
while our birds of prey 
light up their nightsOne dollar 
to offset the horror 
that our wise men 
inflict upon the ones they loveAnd he asked 
the little ones 
to do their part 
to open up their little hands One dollar 
to build a bridge 
across to their land 

While it rains 
fire from the sky 
while the night 
cries tears of flames 
while we sing 
a litany of names 
ascribe a blame 
seek revenge 
for their pain 

Created by wise men 
who have let the power they hold 
make them insane 

Created by wise men 
who gave aid 
walked away 
without a word to say Created by those 
who now must face 
their FrankensteinAnd he asked 
the children to partake 
use their money 
for candy and cake 
so that he could take it 
to their reflected images 
across the sea 

Asked them to become 
for peace 
while we busy ourselves 
with the business of war 
and create 
collateral whores 
for future endeavorsAnd he asked 
the children 
to do their part 
to open up their tiny heartsOne dollar 
for a pen pal 
across the ocean 
across the sky 
it would fly 
and drop in the form of love 
the hate 
the anger 
the terror 
the fear 
the pain 
the power 
the revenge 
he sends he hopes 
their love can justify! 

*Inspired by a photograph in the WORLD (Peoples Weekly), Saturday, October 13th, 2001 Vol. 16, no.19 pg. 3, During dedication (Oct. 4th) of a Playground and Peace Garden at the East Fort Worth, Texas, Montessori School. Students carried flags of many nations as they circle around the playground, while in the background the adults, including representatives of Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian faiths, wait to sing and pray together! 

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